Our Vision

All refugees and asylum seekers are welcomed, respected, and live in dignity during their stay on the island of Samos.

Our Mission

To sustainably promote the basic rights and well-being of all refugees and asylum seekers on the island of Samos.

To encourage community participation by working with - not for - refugees and asylum seekers, ensuring their expertise and experiences are at the heart of what we do.

To maximise our collective impact by working collaboratively with other non-governmental organisations and advocating for social justice.

Our Values

We’re accountable: SV is accountable to our service users, our people, our donors and other stakeholders through honest and transparent governance.

We’re responsive: SV is responsive to the changing needs of displaced communities on Samos. We do this through strong monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

We’re inclusive: We aim to foster a culture of inclusivity and to embrace and celebrate our differences. We want to ensure that affected communities are at the heart of what we do.

Our Guiding Principles

Do it for the many: We are committed to using donor money to reach the maximum number of people in the community. We strive for equal access, meaningful inclusion, and representation throughout our organisation to achieve this.

Do no harm: We are committed to taking a critical approach to our activities to carefully consider the short-term and long-term impact they have.

With communities: We are committed to working with the camp and local communities on Samos to respond to their needs through listening, learning and adapting.

The little things are the big things: We acknowledge that while some of our services might only seem like little contributions, they combine to have a large impact on our service users.

A work in progress: SV’s services are dynamic, and we, as an organisation, try our best to deliver effective services. We commit to a culture of feedback that contributes to the development of our services.