‘Cat and Dog and Sky and Wind’

What is a word? A carrier bag for meaning? A little boat on a broad sea? Is a word just an image or the thing itself? Do words think? Do they feel? Why do some words have two meanings? Why do other words have three? Line up enough words in a row and you have a sentence. String together a few of these and you have a paragraph. Carve away at your paragraph with a chisel and knife and you get a poem. 

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Samos Volunteers
'Chosen Families'

One of our invaluable external volunteers Casey reflects on his time working with Samos Volunteers in a blog post that is well worth a read. Casey has added so much to the team while he has been on Samos, whether that was in the warehouse, in our community spaces or specifically, in his great work with our LGBTQIA+ group.

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Samos Volunteers
Women’s Spaces and LGBTQI+ support groups: Intersectionality in Practice with Samos Volunteers

Article by Theo Jackson

Applying an intersectional lens to the refugee experience shows us that, along with racism, refugees may be further marginalised by patriarchal, heteronormative and ablist systems. Although refugees may appear as a uniformly vulnerable group, it is crucial that we understand how overlapping power structures create important differences in experiences and needs, within an overall vulnerable population.

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Samos Volunteers